Wide Range of Conflict Resolution
The Resources You Need
Legal Research
Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII)
Legal information is no longer in the domain of the old tomes and stuffy librarians. Consolidated, nearly-current statutes in a searchable format; judicial decisions spanning decades; links between decisions; new commentary. All available for free. This is my go-to resources for the vast majority of legal research.
Subsidized Help
Legal Aid Alberta
Legal Aid Alberta provides legal representation to Albertans who meet financial eligibility guidelines. All youth are eligible to receive representation for criminal matters. Legal Aid provides coverage for serious criminal charges, family law issues, child welfare matters, immigration/refugee claims, adult guardianship/trusteeship, and income support. Please note that Legal Aid does not currently provide support for many civil law matters including personal injury, medical malpractice, etc.
Calgary Legal Guidance
Calgary Legal Guidance provides legal information and advice to low-income people who cannot afford a lawyer and do not qualify for Legal Aid. It can help with a wide range of issues including, but not limited to, family, criminal and civil issues. Free legal clinics operate Monday through Thursday evenings.
Student Legal Assistance - Calgary
Student Legal Assistance offers legal information and representation to low-income residents of the Calgary area. These services are provided by law students from the University of Calgary. SLA helps with civil matters, criminal offenses, landlord/tenant matters, traffic violations, family matters (except divorce), small claims, social assistance/AISH/employment insurance appeals, student academic and non-academic appeals and administrative tribunal work.
Women’s Centre Legal Advice Clinic
Volunteer lawyers provide free, half-hour legal advice sessions to women. These sessions aim to provide a starting point when accessing the legal system. The clinics address family issues, civil cases, immigration and other types of law, but not criminal law. All women are welcome; appointments required.
Provincial and Federal Resources
Alberta Justice – Service Alberta: Law & Justice
Alberta Justice – Resolution and Court Administration Services (RCAS)
Federal Department of Justice
Although we do not handle criminal, family, transactional (corporate transactions or property purchases), estate planning, or tax law, we would be more than happy to recommend an experienced local lawyer to help you with your unique issues.
Message us for more information.